Our Values
Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration, and Empowerment
Products and Services
We are proud to have developed a series of high-quality Scientific Journals that serve as a bridge for scientific collaboration at both national and global levels. Through these journals, we facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and the latest research among scientists, researchers, and academicians from various disciplines. This opportunity not only enriches the scientific community but also strengthens the academic network that spans the globe.
Biro Konsultasi Psikologi “Hijau”
We provide psychological consultation services run by a team of professional psychology experts.
Future Plans
We are currently in the process of designing and building a Developmental Clinic for children with special needs.
Scientific Journals
Indonesia Berdaya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Open JournalMajalah Kesehatan Indonesia
Open JournalJournal of Psychological Perspective
Open JournalJournal of Current Health Science
Open JournalJournal of Research in Social Science And Humanities
Open JournalNusantara Journal of Behavioral and Social Science (NJBSS)
Open JournalNusantara Jurnal of Computer Application (NJCA)
Open JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications (IJASCA)
Open JournalIndonesian Journal of Creative Counseling
Open JournalPublic in Cybernetics
Open JournalBiro Konsultasi Psikologi “Hijau”
Furthermore, we recognize the importance of mental health and psychological support in the community. We provide psychological consultation services run by a team of professional psychology experts. These services are designed to help individuals address psychological issues at both personal and organizational levels, including Counseling, Assessment, Recruitment, Parenting, Coaching and Training, and Facilitation. We are committed to supporting holistic psychological well-being in the community, enhancing personal health and welfare. For professional services, comprehensive assessments, or to discuss business matters, please contact us directly via mobile phone or WhatsApp at +62 811-666-846.
Kami menyediakan layanan konsultasi psikologis yang dijalankan oleh tim ahli psikologi profesional. Layanan ini dirancang untuk membantu individu menangani masalah psikologis baik pada tingkat pribadi maupun organisasi, termasuk Konseling, asesmen, Rekrutmen, Parenting, Pelatihan dan Pengembangan, serta fasilitator. Kami berkomitmen untuk mendukung kesejahteraan psikologis holistik dalam masyarakat, meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan pribadi. Untuk layanan profesional, Asesmen, atau untuk membahas masalah bisnis, silakan hubungi kami langsung melalui ponsel atau WhatsApp di +62 811-666-846.
Future Plans
In our steps towards the future, we are initiating major initiatives in the fields of children's education and health. We are currently in the process of designing and building a Developmental Clinic for children with special needs. This clinic aims to provide comprehensive therapy and support services, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and early intervention programs, all designed to help these children reach their full potential in a supportive and loving environment. Additionally, we plan to establish an Early Childhood Education Center and Elementary School called "Sekolah Hijau Masyarakat" offering an innovative and inclusive curriculum, with a focus on project-based learning and a holistic approach to education. We are committed to creating a supportive learning environment where every child can thrive, regardless of their abilities or background.
Through these initiatives, we hope to make a significant contribution to society, helping to shape a healthy, knowledgeable, and world-ready future generation. We believe that our investment in children's education and health will not only transform their lives but also have a long-term positive impact on the broader community.