About the Journal

Journal of Current Health Sciences (JCHS) with E-ISSN 2809-2236 and P-ISSN 2809-3275 is open access, peer-reviewed, and evidence-based scientific journal published two times a year. Journal of Current Health Sciences provides for rapid publication of full-length research papers, describing new findings or theories in health sciences. Currently, JCHS is a publication for research primarily focused on health science in nursing, midwifery, public health, and medicine, as well as with their development through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through editorial review and blind peer review before being granted acceptance for publication.

Journal of Current Health Sciences has been using Open Journal System (OJS), requiring all author to register before they can upload the manuscript they write online. Afterward, the editors, peer reviewers, and authors can monitor the manuscript processing.


Publication Frequency

The Journal of Current Health Sciences (JCHS) is published twice yearly in two issues per volume, Number 1 and 2. Each Number is scheduled for publication in May and November.



Relawan Jurnal Indonesia


Journal of Current Health Sciences

Published by Utan Kayu Publishing
Lucky Arya Residence 2 No. 18 Jalan HOS. Cokroaminoto, Pringsewu
Kabupaten Pringsewu, Lampung - Indonesia, Postal code 35373
Web: https://ukinstitute.org/journals/2/jchs | Email: mki.ukp@gmail.com



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